Monday, August 31, 2009

itsss a beautiful day in the neighborhood

oh hey! today was absolutely beautiful. it also happened to be my first day of work! i only went in for a little over an hour but i get an awesome vibe from the office and all the people working there. its the office of student activities and programs at TC, so it'll be cool doing programming on a graduate level!

also, further proof that the world is small: one of my supervisors used to be a director of greek affairs at another institution and knew the former president of theta, mari ann callais! and knew all about her freakin guitar. bahaha.

i had some problems with my loans so after work i went to financial aid and they were soo nice and helpful... downside of that was i spent a good hour this afternoon running all over morningside heights to get the right paperwork sent to my lender. ahh gotta love it. also spent a good 45 min in the columbia bookstore/b&n with my suitemate kate, who shares the same nerdy adoration for school supplies that i do. fortunately i managed to practice some frugality and only picked up a well-needed binder.

i promise i will have some awesome pictures of the campus up soon i just keep forgetting my camera... and this place is a zoo right now with the undergraduate convocation happening today. their move-in was so calm and organized looking... strange compared to the nuthouse i remember ramapo being.

yesterday i did some wandering around the neighborhood and found some awesome stuff on the broadway side of campus... decided i DO NOT LIKE pinkberry (too tart!).. and even went to the gym (we all know how monumental that is). the gym is 4 floors and all underground , its quite bizarre but super cool!

tomorrow is orientation alllll day followed by a happy hour ... i will be sure to report back obvs, and my first class is thursday night! eek! the juiceball extraordinaire cucch is supposed to be visiting me wed for a wine tasting so more to come on that as well, and seamus is being forced to venture to central park with me on friday! (dont worry mom its only 10 blocks away)

alright like i said, def more pictures ASAP!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

nyc theories!

soo as i keep observing everything going on the past few days i've noticed a few things such as:

1. in new york city, EVERYONE has an iphone...
2. or a blackberry.
3. i've met more people attending the columbia grad school of education from california than anywhere else.
4. on that note, californians are to LA as new yorkers/jerseyians are to NYC. if you are not good at analogies, that means that they think LA is the coolest hottest spot, the center of the universe just like we think our area is.
6. being from NJ makes me the resident nyc expert. for you betches who know me, you know how scary that is.
7. i love my mac even more than ever for the ability to video chat with all my loves... here's looking at you spanspi, sarahbetch, seamonster, kgrap, little, etc.

alright i'll save the rest of my theories and generalizations for when they've panned out more.

leave me comments!


oh hey! so i took some pictures of my plaaace. here's a few shots of my roOm:

view from my window of the courtyard

kitchen area the classroom picture is a classroom in the MBA building where a ton of movies have filmed, including a scene of spiderman. cool right?! andd the final picture is myself with 2 of my suitemates and a few other girls we have befriended and i've been yapping about. we were waiting for our tour guide to show up for a tour of local bars and hot spots but they never showed! so we made our own tour which was pretttty successful. we hit up a few bars including the heights on broadway which was super cool cause it had a rooftop bar. and across the street is the diner from Seinfeld's , not that i like that show but its noteworthy nontheless!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

ain't no sunshine when she's gone

oh whats up! so i moved into my city digs yesterday. of course, despite the weather forecast being sun, it was pouring rain all day! luckily it managed to lighten up to on-and-off drizzling when we actually got here. my parents and seamus helped me move in and get my stuff (mostly) unpacked and set up. i couldnt wait to check in at the front desk (which looks like a hotel lobby btw.. but i will post about my building in a diff post) and go check out my room! my room is part of a 6-person suite; the suite itself is pretty damn big! theres a kitchen area with a little table and chairs, the kitchen appliances themselves are probably from the 40s and kinda woofy. but the building was built in 1901 soo... yaknow! the elevators here are half the size of ones at ramapo by the way... so its weird! anyway so my suite- the shower/tub and a sink are in one part of the bathroom, then there are two separated sinks... then in an entirely different room is the toilet . soo thats pretty cool.

i met four of my suitemates so far. so many people here are from california! 2 of mine are from california, the LA area i believe, and other one is from the carolinas. the other two have been living here since last falll - one is an international student from taiwan, and i havent met the 5th yet. everyone is super nice and cool. its weird meeting so many people from CA.. one of my roommates came into my room, saw my air conditioner in the window, and asked what it was and how it worked! she had never seen one before. i know its hot out there so most people probably have central AC like i do at home but.. come on! never seen a window unit??!?! crazy. will def be fun to see them react and adjust to the snow this winter baha.

like i suspected, i am def a baby at this school- almost everyone i've met is 23-27, and all have like really awesome life stories like having lived in japan for two years to each english and crazy stuff like that. as long as they are still dtf for happy hours and a glass of wine here and there, im sure i'll befriend them in no time.

speaking of wine... of course i broke out the beringers white zin after the orientation meeting! and a little bit after that i went for a drink with a group of girls from my building at some place a block away that i cant remember the name of. go figure. on the way back we got caught in a downpour, so i ended my first living in new york looking very much like a drowned rat. but hopefully a cute drowned rat. whatevs!

other interesting things--- i have a gilted gold mirror on my wardrobe, which probably sounds ridiculous BUT I LOVE COOL MIRRORS LIKE THAT so i'm happy. and, housekeeping here cleans our common areas including the bathroom weekly! which was just so random i had to share.

ok i willl be posting pictures soon so if anyone is bothering to read this they can visualize it !


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


welll its 2 days till i'll officially be living in nyc! will be so weird hearing the constant hustle and bustle outside my window, taking subways and buses or simply walking instead of driving myself, and living in arguably the most famous city in the world!